The crisis in California via This isn't happiness
I missed our little tête-à-tête last week, it was like a fistful to my heart: some news.
Hardcore gamers adopt strap-ons. Related, a court is played a couple's sex sessions. Still related, Orgy, via Geekologie. Only related if you consider children the inevitable result of careless foreplay, Maclaren pushchairs create amputees. Apropos of nothing: Art-con? Related, Chinese mass-produced art. So that's where all those paintings I saw at Montmatre came from.
Everyone knows Vice's do's and dont's are passé (unless you're a hipster); seek shameful joy at People of Walmart. Battersea, I hear, is the new Left Bank. I certainly didn't hear it from the man on the Clapham omnibus (that's a little geographical joke). Another joke, the top 100 defining cultural moments of the 2000's. Not on my list.
News of the world... Texas: Major goes postal. Related, the origins of the term 'going round the bend'. Australia: hacker invents first iphone worm. No worms in Paris: one table restaurant atop the Palais de Tokyo (one-time home of Würsa). Other turning tables: 9/11 – that's not funny. Also Stateside, an article on design observer that has been doing the rounds. Not a Millennium Person, if you ask me. London: pecha kucha is back. The Net: the amazing Beagle escape.
Second to last, Mas Yendo - an ex-student of Lebbeus Woods - is speaking at the Bartlett this week via Tomorrow's Thoughts Today. Also from that think tank: the power of dystopias.
Last: Richard Dawkins, Britain's foremost aethiest, uses one nerdy profanity.
Eerie photo from Rio Vista, where small farms once produced for the local Bay Area and Sacramento markets. Rio Vista is a sleepy village on the banks of the San Joaquin Delta, about 50 miles east of San Francisco. It's home to blue collar marinas, bait shops, and levee honky tonks. Much of that part of the Central Valley's farmland has been buried under shabby subdivisions, a testimony to an American Dream fueled by cheap oil and subsidized by huge federal road building subsidies. What will those landscapes look like after peak oil, which will be catastrophic for the far-flung, auto-based, Northern California lifestyle? The state's newest infrastructure is collapsing before it's even built.